Curriculum Vitae
2018 - 2023
Sorte Lab
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, California, USA
Dissertation Title: "From Individual to Ecosystem: Multi-Stressor Effects of Acidification and Warming on the Physiological Responses of Coastal Marine Invertebrates"
2014 - 2018
Johnson Lab
California State University, Long Beach
Long Beach, California, USA
Thesis Title: "Evaluating the Effects of Temperature on the Metabolic Rates of Two Sedentary Marine Fishes, The Bluebanded Goby and the Woolly Sculpin"
Peer - Reviewed Publications
5. Rangel, R. E., Ingram, T. I., Bolnick., D. I. 2023. Rates of Alloparental Care by Male Stickleback in Natural Lake Populations. Ichthyology & Herpetology, 111(3): 368-375. Link
4. Rangel R. E., and Sorte, C. J. B. 2022. Local-scale thermal history influences metabolic response of marine invertebrates to warming. Marine Biology, 169,126. Link
3. Rangel, R. E., and Johnson, D. W. 2019. Variation in metabolic rate and a test of differential sensitivity to temperature in populations of woolly sculpin (Clinocottus analis). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 511(19): 68-74. PDF
2. Rangel, R. E., and Johnson, D. W. 2018. Metabolic responses to temperature in a sedentary reef fish, the bluebanded goby (Lythrypnus dalli). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 501(18): 83-89. PDF
1. Ingram, T.I., Jiang Y., Rangel, R., and Bolnick, D. I. 2015. Positive but weak assortative mating by diet in lacustrine stickleback populations. Ecology and Evolution, 5(16): 3352-3363. PDF
Book Chapters *After first author, order of authorship is alphabetical
1. *Sorte, C. J. B., Beshai, R. A., Henry, A. K., Mahanes, S. A., Rangel, R. E., Waite, H. R. 2023. Interactions between climate change and species invasions in the marine realm. Invasive Species and Global Climate Change. Eds" Ziska LH. CABI Publishing, Oxfordshire, UK.
Science Communication
The Laguna Ocean Foundation was founded in 2003 and strives to optimize the health of Laguna Beach's vital coastal ecosystems through science, education, and community involvement. As a TideWater Docent, I help to educate beachgoers of all ages about tide pools, the organisms living here in southern California, and how to explore the rocky intertidal ecosystem within Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).
2021 - 2022
TideWater Docent
Laguna Ocean Foundation
Laguna Beach, California, USA
2019 - 2021
Writer/Managing Editor
Loh Down on Science
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, California, USA
The Loh Down on Science is a radio show and podcast that breaks down innovative science in less than two minutes with a dash of humor. The program is broadcasted by National Public Radio (NPR) and the Southern California Public Radio (KPCC). Click here to check out my writings and listen wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.